Saturday, April 30, 2016

IFJM - April 3, 2016


I can't believe it has only been a week since I last saw your blue eyes -- always sparkling with laughter and mischief.  The doctors say you didn't suffer ("he just quietly passed in his sleep") and I hope they are right.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't suffering due to the loss of you.

The funeral was lovely.  You would have laughed at how everyone has practically canonized you a saint!  Your grave overlooks a nice pond that was filled with geese while we were there.  I admit I had to stifle a few giggles because their honking noises were so loud we couldn't hear the priest.  (Did you put them up to that ?!?)

I will miss you sneaking off with our Wall Street Journal in the morning, and it just won't be the same around here without you shooting at the rabbits as they raid your vegetable garden.

I will try and visit you sometime next week (I'll bring the Wall St. Journal for you!)

Much love,

P.S. - I hope you don't mind that I took your orchids.  They were in full bloom today and I couldn't help it.  

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