Thursday, May 12, 2016

IFJM - April 24, 2016

I thank you, dear Angel: for one whom I have never seen, never heard, never touched -- you have never left my side.  You have laughed with me at every joyous occasion, shared in each moment of triumph, felt the pain of every heartbreak, and collected every fallen tear.

What do you do with those tears, dear Angel?  Do you place them in the heavens as the twinkling of stars to help light my path through the darkest of nights?  Are they sprinkled as dew drops on the rose petals in my garden?  Or do they join the tears of others' -- forming oceans born from pain and sorrow?  

I love you, dear Angel, for always loving me.  No matter what webs I find myself tangled in or what deep holes I find that I have dug for myself, you are always there to lend me a hand with loving patience and loving guidance -- that only and angel could give.

Never leave me, dear Angel, for I cannot bear the thought of living my life without you and being all alone.


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